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The Highlights of Simply Stunning Slovenia

Nestled on the western edge of Central Europe, bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia, as well the Adriatic Sea, it’s little wonder Slovenia has a very distinct multi-cultural feel. The local language, cuisine, charming villages and local traditions are testament to this. Yet with simply breathtaking mountain ranges, stunning lakeside views and natural beauty […]

The Magical Sights of Gozo

There’s nowhere quite like Gozo to get away from it all. This pretty little island is dotted with sleepy villages, where the loudest sounds you’ll hear are the church bells. On the coast, spectacular cliffs are a haven for wildlife, punctuated by idyllic beaches. With a bit of exploration you’ll be rewarded with some wonderful […]

Where is hot for a Cycling Holiday in November and December?

November and December are not ideal months in which to be cycling in the UK, or indeed much of northern Europe. And whilst many will still brave the ice, traffic and bitter cold of the daily commute with a sturdy resolve, many more will place their two-wheeled friend into hibernation until the shoots of spring […]

Where is Hot in October for a Cycling Holiday?

October is almost certain to be cold, wet, grey and miserable in much of northern Europe but for those wanting to get away from it all and go somewhere hot to enjoy a fantastic cycling holiday we’ve got a couple of great destinations for you.   The first option for some autumn sun is another […]